
Priyanka Tewari

New York, USA

Priyanka Tewari’s luminous and textured expansive abstract paintings evoke and express a fundamental inner questioning of reality. What am I, and who am I? What is real and true, if I look into myself and follow the stream of my thought? How deep can I look, before I find the foundation of what is? And how can color on a canvas express and convey the depth of my inner experience and search? Questions like these inform and guide the brilliant and evocative splashes of creative color, whether heavily or lightly textured, of artist Tewari’s work.

While each canvas speaks for itself, the artist has also chosen to accompany painting with words, canvas with poetry. Each brief poem or reflection offers a question to life, and seeks resolution. Together, poems and paintings present a deep and personal meditative experience of the mystery of existence.

Priyanka lives with her husband Ashoke and young son Dhaani in Ossining, NY.