Cuarenta y Nueve
2nd Edition
by 49 Creative Contributors
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About the Book
Cuarenta y Nueve means 49 in Spanish. This beautiful coffee table book is an artistic homage to the 49 lives lost on June 12, 2016, at the Pulse Nightclub massacre, in Orlando Florida. Writers of every genre, photographers, artists, and even an Executive Chef have come together to create this must have tribute. By 49 and for 49, Cuarenta y Nueve was the vision of (and curated by) best selling author Joie Lamar, who has also arranged for 100 percent of the proceeds to be donated to positive LGBTQ plus organizations.
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About the Creator
Brainspired Publishing JV
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The founders of Brainspired Publishing came together as a successful author, who has experienced all the good + all the ugly of traditional publishing companies plus a 2SLGBTQ+ successful marketing company with the prowess to bring unprecedented light to talented writers in our community. As partners we come to the table with over 60 years of business experience combined. Together we decided to put more books, by Brainspired, on shelves all over the world, while spotlighting authors like no other company would or does.