
Robert Toigo Foundation

Oakland, CA

Our mission is to foster the career advancement and increased leadership of underrepresented talent by creating mechanisms for greater inclusion from the classroom to the boardroom.

Today’s – and tomorrow’s – workforce is more diverse than ever before. More women, more minorities and more professionals are beyond retirement age. Every individual has unique strengths to bring to an organization, yet for too long, employers have failed to attract and retain sufficient levels of diversity. The challenge and opportunity of employing diverse talent is a strategic mandate, not a social one. Diverse teams deliver better results as measured by profits, performance and more. With a growing body of research and proof points, forward thinking leaders know that finding and hiring diverse talent is vitally important. It’s good for the bottom line and drives improved employee morale and customer loyalty. Why then, have statistics around diverse work forces remained stagnant? The supply – qualified

Books by Robert Toigo Foundation