
Brenda Abdoyan

Orlando, FL

A 9000 Years Ago and steeped in tradition the practice of henna tattooing began, a form of art and beauty unto itself. A little more than 45 years ago the my artistic eye began to develop. After a vacation trip to the Middle East in 2000, the two events somehow collided to form a new brand of whimsical art. By incorporating the swirls, curves, circles & lines of Mehndi (henna) art into my images the rather random marriage became a new expression of realism - a new view of real life, & viola! Suddenly, a special brand of what I coined to be "Bajidoo art". Often, working directly with henna paste, mixed especially for my artistic purposes I began creating art on wood and other surfaces. ... and quite naturally a book on henna sprang up from those experiences, it is here for you to learn how to do it yourself for you or for others in much the same way I did. I wanted to share what I have learned to save you some precious time while helping you avoid frustration.

Books by Brenda Abdoyan