
UMIM. Inc.

Ft. Worth , Texas

UMIMI Inc. is birthed out of U Matter Internationa Ministries Inc. as of 2001 .I am proud of the release of one of my many works God has placed in my belly to write. I offer services to Non-Profits Churches, Oraganizations. I have been in Ministry and business since 2001 this is just the dawn of a new beginning for the MInistry and Busines.

Areas of Expertise

Areas of Expertise of course Ministry ,Marketing , Administration in the Church for Non Profits, grantwritting, 501c3s and preparation of paperwork used and needed for the Body of Christ. I just love being a Servant to the People of God who ever they may be

Professional Affiliations

Biltmores' Who 's who of Exectutves and Professionals i was nominated and Accepted this year 2011.

Books by UMIM. Inc.