
Kathy Stiegelmar


This exhibition consists of a body of work on the topic of Memories: Past and Present. The work explores an individual’s struggle with depression, isolation, growth, inner peace and explores the concept of these inner struggles.

The inspiration comes from a year long struggle with inner turmoil, self-growth, and ultimately inner peace resulting from exploring memories of past and present. A mother seeing a daughter’s growth, travails, and challenges and those experiences triggering memories from the past. The work reflects these parallel experiences. The images chosen are reflective of religious, iconic, and angelic symbolism showing the innocence of a child as a symbol of rebirth.

The work consists of mixed media that includes digitally enhanced images creating multiple layers showing the inner struggles of the mind in dealing with turmoil, isolation, and forgiveness that are photo-shopped by combining old and new scanned images, DASS, black/white, and color photos.

Books by Kathy Stiegelmar