
Tammy M Sills

Nottingham, UK

As a photographer life is always your greatest inspiration. For me, I like to look at the aspects of life that can often be overlooked in one way or another; photography itself has always had a great history of doing this, from Cariter-Bresson to Susan Meiselas. A great concentration of my work has been on mental illness, the roles of women and domestic/social environments as these are the prevailing themes within my own like that underpin it. For most of this I often look to literature, from Eugenids, to Wedekind and to Nabokov, and films like American Beauty, to mention but a few. Visually, my work is simple, tailoring colour palettes and lighting, and controlled compositions, with a pictorial inspiration from Edward Steichen. The Still Life, with its allegorical qualities, is a reoccurring anchor for my work, from the classical styles of Vanitas to a more transcendent notion of the still life using the human body as a vessel for meaning, more akin to an object than a portrait.

Books by Tammy M Sills