

Greenville, Sc USA and Clermont Ferrand, France

My earliest memories are of sitting on the front porch of our home on the Amazon putting together my “pop-bead” necklaces, to pass the time. Living in the rainforest and observing nature had a profound influence on my view of life and how I would interpret the world. As I got into High school, I began to carry my camera with me everywhere, thinking “How cool would it be to capture that one great moment in time.” That moment we all long to go back to but are never able. (You know this was back then we did not have cell phones with cameras). Capturing the perfect moment on film, and having those moments forever was a passion of mine. I was one of those geeks who carried their cameras with them like a purse (still do) I didn’t really view myself as an artist since I have just always been myself. I know that I am pulled to create and capture what I see and feel around me.

Books by Roxana

5-5 of 5 Books