
Bonnie MacAllister

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Bonnie MacAllister renders moments in a variety of media. She has recently exhibited cross-genre work in NY at Et Al Projects (film and still photography printed on metal) and at Raandesk Gallery (film and performance), in MD at Sandy Spring Museum (film, photography, performance, and fiber art), in Pennsylvania at the Ellen Powell Tiberino Museum (film and performance), and in Virginia at Artomatic (computer generated imagery). She began her career in production at the Philadelphia Museum of Art where she edited and provided production assistance on exhibition films that were screened at the museum, at the Musée de la Mode Paris, on WYBE, WHYY, and the Columbus Film Festival (mention). Recently her written work has appeared in Flying Kite, Esque, On Barcelona, Tom Tom, Apiary, and Fieralingue. She has debuted five original plays in the last three years, is a Pushcart Prize nominee, and was a Fulbright-Hays recipient to Ethiopia.

Books by Bonnie MacAllister