
Bob Kaplitz

Dallas, TX

Senior marketing strategist specializing in developing and marketing strong brands.

Lectures on marketing, international advertising, and new media at the University of Dallas Graduate School of Management. Recognized by the Dean for teaching excellence.

Pioneered Learning Videos as part of an innovative consulting model using new technology to accelerate learning.

Honored by the DFW American Marketing Association for innovative use of new media for business development.

Nominated by the DFW Interactive Marketing Association as a judge for their prestigious annual event.

He’s conducted global webinars for a London-based firm specializing in international marketing solutions. At their Los Angeles conference for marketing executives, Bob was rated as one of their top speakers.

When a reporter, honored by the Radio TV News Directors Association as Best TV Investigative Reporter in the U.S. and Canada. Many of his stories appeared on the CBS Evening News.

Books by Bob Kaplitz